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M&C Shuffle (Single)

The M&C Shuffle is a country line-dancing song which I wrote and recorded at the beginning of 2020. The song came about after playing at the Howick RSA for a line-dancing crew called M&C Linedancing. The name refers to Merylin and Catherine (M&C) who run the group and teach regular classes. I decided that it would be fun to write a song for the ladies which they could choreograph a dance to, and then make a video of.


I purposely devised lyrics which mentioned most of the ladies, while telling the story of a man finding himself through a love of line-dancing. I would like to thank both Merylin and Catherine for their help in understanding the art of line-dancing and their enthusiasm for the project.  

For the recording I used an awesome lineup of musicians including Nick Jones (violin, piano), Hayden Wharewaka (drums), Tom Dennison (bass), Kylie Austin (backing vocals), while I played guitars and harmonica. The lead vocal was performed by my American cowboy friend, James Ray.  


Everything was recorded at my house in a room full of mattresses by Sam Cunningham (KIWISOUNDS) who did a fantastic job. 

© 2020 Ed Taylor / Ed Taylor Collective

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